Do you ever feel tense, nervous, uneasy, overwhelmed or unable to relax?

I too have felt that way!

I experienced these symptoms of anxiety and took medication for 17 years of my life to try to combat them.

It never felt like it was controlled and felt like I was always chasing the results I was told the medications were supposed to provide. Medication change after medication change and varying results, but no true relief.

I am beyond grateful to say that I have been medication free for almost 8 years now. My household does not consume or even own over the counter medications. This did not happen overnight and took a lot of work, but it is possible to feel true relief.

I tried a variety of things over the years, but one thing that helped me in the very beginning was an essential oil called Sacred Mountain. The tree oil mixture grounded me like the roots of a tree going down into the Earth and rooting that tree.

If you feel frustrated, alone, and are searching for results then I can help!

I firmly believe that removing toxins you are being exposed to and making changes to your diet are always the best and first things you should do. My last blog went into some of the big toxins to be mindful of. Removing them is a huge help to your physical and emotional health.

Here are some additional things beyond diet and toxin removal that are helpful when trying to gain control of your emotional health.

1) Practice breathing.

Although that sounds so simple, most people are not breathing correctly. You often breathe very shallow when you are anxious, nervous, or stressed as your body tends to be tense. Breathing increases pleasure-inducing neurochemicals in your brain to elevate mood and combat physical pain. It also relaxes your mind and body and will clear uneasy feelings out of your body.

        Breathe deeply into your abdomen (not your chest). Put your hand on your abdomen to watch it move in and out. Practice breathing out slower than the breath in and breathe through your nose. Try to inhale to the count of 5, hold for 3 seconds and exhale to the count of 7. You can try varying times like this to see what feels best for you.

        Schedule time to practice deep breathing just like you would important business meetings. Start with a few minutes each day and build up to ten minutes each day. To start, try doing this before eating because it will help with digestion and it’s just a time that is easy to remember to do it. 

        2) Grounding outside every day.

        Standing barefoot in the grass for 15-20 minutes each day can have such a profound impact on how you feel. When you do this, you are exchanging electrons with the Earth. If you live in a big city then concrete on ground level will work, but you should really aim for the grass as it is much more effective. If you like to read the science then here are a couple studies.

        3) Low intensity exercises each day are helpful.

        Even if you just do some stretches. This will help bring down your cortisol levels if they are elevated. Swimming is actually the most effective at this.

        Do not do High Intensity Training HIIT as this will release more cortisol because your brain senses stress and your body is trying to protect you.

        4) Journaling

        This can be helpful because it’s a way to get your thoughts out of you. In a sense, it can be a way to let them go. If there’s a specific person that is contributing to your feelings of unease then write that person a letter, even if you don’t want to send it, just to get it out. 

        5) Don’t forget the importance of SLEEP!

        You can get your Top 5 Ways to Get Better Sleep guide here. When you sleep, your body is repairing and healing. Studies have shown that the deeper the sleep you get, the lower your anxiety is the next day. If you are struggling with sleep, this is something that I can help with. Please schedule a free consultation for us to discuss what this would like for you.

        Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you would like to learn more ways you can support your body. I have personal experience with this and know how much it can impact your life. I want to help you experience the relief that I have and know you can!

        You an book a free 20 minute consultation here.

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